** Please note, I do recommend backing up your subscriptions before doing this update, via: Subscriptions -> Export, just incase **
2.0.2/2.0.3 contains a huge update to the inner workings of the application, although not alot of visual changes or features have been added, a huge amount of effort has gone into creating a superior, more robust feed parsing engine as-well as performance.
Whats new:
Added support for authenticated feeds ( HTTP auth ) - huzzah!
Added preference to be able to centre the selected item in the article list
Added preference to be able to select only subscriptions and not groups when using the next unread shortcuts
Added preference to limit the internal cache size
Added preference against subscriptions to allow force enabling of readability
Added ability to save an image directly to downloads
Added preference to enable RTL per subscription
Added preference to disable mark as read on selection
Whats changed:
This version contains a new way of keeping track of read and unread items, due to this change, there may be overlapping of items you may have read before being marked as unread ( these would generally be old items that were discarded ). What this will do, is cure issues with subscriptions that have no dates for items and subscriptions that update there feeds in a non chronological order.
Much better right to left language support / auto-detection
Improvements to search Performance increases
Improved RDF support
Improved overall support for ATOM / RSS / RDF
Uses much less memory when using large databases
Caffeinated now creates regular backups of your subscriptions
Whats fixed:
Fixed issue with menubar not showing
Fixed various submitted crashes
Fixed majority of issues ( that I know of ) with feeds not being detected
Fixed issue with finding a subscription that doesn't have a title which then caused a crash
Fixed crash with importing an OPML / XML file that doesnt have a "title" attribute on the groups element
Fixed Twitter not posting ( due to Twitter 1.1 API changes )
Fixed issue with overlapping text in the article list when using mix and match of various sizes and heights Fixed issue where some thumbnails were not appearing
Fixed issue with not being able to select an article without having to manually select a different item from the left hand list first
Fixed random hang issue
Fixed various formatting issues
Caffeinated 2.0 is a fast, easy to use, stand alone RSS reader. Built upon version 1.3.3's base system it has been rewritten to be completely stand alone, fast and fun to use.
Please note, Caffeinated does work on 10.6 and is usable, but there are oddities compared to the latest 10.7+ OS's.
Along with its beautiful interface ( which looks stunning on a Retina Display ), Caffeinated also is feature rich, heres a few of what it has to offer:
- Authenticated feeds support
- Manual subscription management, you can import / export, subscribe, unsubscribe and manually reorder your subscriptions
- Share articles to multiple services, these include:
- Twitter ( or on 10.8 you can choose to use the Sharing Service )
- Facebook
- Buffer
- Readability
- Delicious
- Google Plus
- Instapaper
- Pinboard
- Read It Later
- Safari Reading List
- Evernote
- Messages ( 10.8 only via Sharing Service )
- Email ( via your email client )
Also great features such as:
- Create custom shortcuts for various actions
- View the original article within the application
- View articles in various sorting orders and groups
- Extremely customisable, custom themeable articles
- Full Retina Display support
Caffeinated 2.0 has also been tweaked and change under the hood to provide incredible responsiveness whilst casually using the application or whilst storing thousands of articles.
This is just the start, Caffeinated is always being actively worked on to improve and bring new features to the table. Also comes with great customer support.