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Apple Safari 6.1 Seed 8
Download (103 MB)

  • 3.71831/5
  • Updated at:
  • Requirements: OS X 10.8.5
  • internet

What's New

Improvement Features
- Safari Sidebar
- Shared Links (Mountain Lion only)
- Continuous Reading (Mountain Lion only)
- Easy Retweet (Mountain Lion only)
- Redesigned Top Sites
- Safari Power Saver
- Faster Javascript
- iCloud Tabs autocomplete (Mountain Lion only)
- Yandex search built-in
- Sandboxed plug-ins
- PDF sandboxing
- WebKit - Better text and layout
- High DPI for image-set
- HTTP strict transport security
- Page visibility events
- Web Inspector
Apple Safari is the most popular Mac Web browser. Experience the web, Apple style, with Safari: the fastest, easiest-to-use Web browser in the world. With its simple, elegant interface, Safari gets out of your way and lets you enjoy the Web up to 4 times faster than Internet Explorer 7 and 2 times faster than Firefox.
  • Apple Safari 6.1 Seed 8