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Scrutiny 4.3
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What's New

  • Adds more highlighting options to SEO table:
    • option to highlight pages with many links. Preference added so that you can choose the threshold, but default is set to one link per 100 words (can be changed in Preferences>SEO) - (this number comes from Matt Cutts of Google: http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/how-many-links-per-page)
    • option to highlight too short / too long meta description. This is important because it is displayed on search engine results page (SERP). Defaults set to between 30 and 160 characters is ok, can be changed in Preferences>SEO
  • Adds link count as column to SEO table, sortable.
    Also adds word count to SEO table, sortable, allowing user to find pages with small or large amounts of content, and to compare number of links with number of words. (Some guides give a number of links for your content, e.g., one link per 125 words.) Currently Scrutiny doesn't display this latter - the calculation must be made in a spreadsheet with exported data.
    Also adds canonical URL to SEO table (sortable) and takes this information into account when highlighting duplicates (i.e., two pages aren't marked as duplicates if one contains a canonical URL)
    Adds these three new fields (links, words, canonical URL) to the Page inspector (double-click an item in the SEO table)
  • Adds checkboxes to switch columns on or off in SEO table (Preferences -> SEO)
    Adds context menu to SEO table which includes Copy URL (Command-C from keyboard), Visit, and Get Info (Command-I from keyboard)
    When the starting URL is edited, user is asked whether they'd like to edit the URL for the current website configuration or whether they're intending to create a new configuration
  • Fixes problem with response times getting inflated if validation is running
    Fixes bug related to new 'by link' outline view causing a crash sometimes after switching to another site and starting a new crawl
    Views with switchable columns (via Prefs) now remember how the user has resized and repositioned them
    Now correctly resets column sorting on all views when starting new crawl
    Fixes two small and unrelated bugs causing odd results if nofollow switched off and base href present but set to ""
Scrutiny is an all-in-one website optimization tool.

Version 4 is the fastest and most efficient release to date.

Scrutiny uses Integrity's tried and tested engine to crawl a site and report broken links. But with more powerful features such as authentication and so much more for the webmaster, such as generating an XML sitemap, HTML validation and essential SEO checks on page title, meta keywords, meta description and headings. Finds issues such as duplicate content, short / long / missing meta description. It also features tools for analysing the load of a
  • Scrutiny 4.3
  • Scrutiny 4.3
  • Scrutiny 4.3
  • Scrutiny 4.3