iFFmpeg is a graphical front-end for FFmpeg, a command-line tool used to convert multimedia files between formats. The command line instructions can be very hard to master/understand, so iFFmpeg does all the hard work for you. This allows you to use FFmpeg without detailed command-line knowledge.
Installation instructions:
1. REMOVE any previous installations by deleting each of the following:
"iFFmpeg" (in Applications folder, or wherever you installed it)
"com.osxsoft.iffmpeg.plist" (in user -> Library -> Preferences)
"com.osx.iffmpeg.plist" (also in user -> Library -> Preferences)
"iFFmpeg" folder and its contents (in user -> Library -> Application Support)
2. BLOCK the following TWO domains:
webcluster05.one.com (this popped up as with a Little Snitch alert)
3. Install, launch, and serialize iFFmpeg using included serial.