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Swinsian 1.8.5
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  • 4.75/5
  • Обновлено:
  • Требования: iOS interaction requires OSXFuse
  • Multimedia Design

Что нового

Version 1.8.5:

  • Fixes crashes when undoing find and replace operations.
  • Fixes problems undoing tag changes in playlist windows.
  • Fixes a bug in the browser when selecting the 'Compilations' item along with other items.
  • Now regenerates artwork thumbnails when cover images in watched folders are modified.
  • Fixes an issue that caused old folder.jpg images not to be removed when setting new artwork for tracks.
  • Fixes issues with art panel flickering.
  • Fixes problems when pasting into find and replace text fields.
  • Fixes issues with the crash reporter.
Swinsian is a music manager and player for OS X.

  • Supports FLAC/Ogg Vorbis as well as MP3, AAC, WAV, APE, AC3, WavPack, WMA, and cue files
  • Copies tracks from iPods and iPhones
  • Watches folders for new files
  • Fetches album art
  • Quick control window
  • Imports iTunes libraries
  • Playback over AirTunes
  • Duplicate finding
  • Bulk tag editing with regex support
  • Swinsian 1.8.5