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TechTool Pro 6.0.6
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  • 4.05769/5
  • Обновлено:
  • Требования: 10.5
  • System

Что нового

  • Avoid specific ATI/AMD Radeon video cards from loading Quartz animations under OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion until it's resolved by Apple (Bug #12113692).
  • Updated Volume Optimization to avoid a possible application hang when encountering a volume which cannot be unmounted.
  • Fixed serial number retention issue for the application update while booted from the eDrive.
  • Fixed Data Recovery crash for volumes with double-byte or non-ASCII characters in the volume name.
  • Included additional machine identification models to Check Computer.

TechTool Pro is a full-featured utility program containing options for testing and repair, maintenance (including disk defragmentation), and data recovery. All it takes is one click of the mouse to perform a comprehensive suite of tests on your computer's hardware and attached drives. TechTool Pro does it all. There is no need to purchase additional software to keep your computer performing at its best. In fact, it's so good that Apple includes a copy of its sibling, TechTool Deluxe, in its AppleCare Protection Plan.

  • TechTool Pro 6.0.6
  • TechTool Pro 6.0.6
  • TechTool Pro 6.0.6
  • TechTool Pro 6.0.6